
Daily Dog Training Games Part III

Daily Training Games

Daily Dog Training Games Part III

dog training game series

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Welcome to third day of our Daily Training Game videos! Today we want to resume our Find Cinnamon nosework game.

If you have missed the first part, check it out here.

After the first 2 parts, your dog was able to target the bag of cinnamon on the ground. Now we want to teach our dog to target it if he “surprisingly” comes across it (when we do not help him out with any kind of motion).

This can be quite tricky for our dogs. So far the motion we have used when putting down the bag was a huge cue for when to target the bag. Now we want to fade all these big cues and have our dog pay attention to the subtle cue of the bag simply lying on the ground, even after he has first left the area and is then approaching the bag again.

Before we get to the video, just make sure you’re subscribed so you won’t miss any new games!

Find Cinnamon III

Have fun with this game, and I will see you back here tomorrow 🙂

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